
FREE Santa Video & Tracker!

Plus Free Christmas Printables

By Lisa Hamilton December 17, 2019

Christmas Wish List

Magic Reindeer Food
Magic Reindeer Food Directions

Supplies Needed:
-Dry Oatmeal
-Glitter (any color) and/or White Granulated Sugar
-Baggies (snack or sandwich size)
-Magic Reindeer Food Poem

1. Mix dry oatmeal with glitter or sugar
I typically let the kids choose the oatmeal to glitter ratio but it should be around a ratio of 4:1 oatmeal:glitter
2. Carefully scoop or pour the mixture into a baggie for each child
3. Tape or staple the free Magic Reindeer Printable to the bag
4. Let the kid(s) sprinkle mixture outside before bed on Christmas Eve

**Don't forget to sweep away the mixture before you go to bed!**

Get your FREE Reindeer Food printable HERE!

Portable North Pole
Make a personalized video for your child from Santa for FREE! They do have some personalized videos that aren't free but I've always used the free one and I personally like it.
Make your FREE video HERE!

NORAD Santa Tracker
NORAD Santa Tracker has been around since 1955! You can keep track of where Santa's Sleigh is on Christmas Eve either by phone or online.
To track Santa's Sleigh online on Christmas Eve click HERE!
Or to track via phone call, 1-877-HI-NORAD (1-877-446-6723)

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